Recommendations based on Tailchaser's Songby Tad Williams

* statistically, based on millions of data-points provided by fellow humans

  1. Stone of Farewell

    by Tad Williams
    Epic fantasy novel following a group of characters as they battle a dark force and save the world.

    The previous volume saw Simon wound a dragon with the mystical sword Thorn, splashing himself in dragon’s blood, leaving himself deeply scarred (physically and emotionally). Now bearing the sobriquet ... (Wikipedia)

  2. To Green Angel Tower, Part 2

    by Tad Williams
    The epic conclusion to the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy. Battles rage and secrets are revealed as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

    The story begins with the forces of Prince Josua Lackhand rallied at the Stone of Farewell, where the icy hand of the Storm King Ineluki has yet to take a deathgrip on the land. The remaining members ... (Wikipedia)

  3. To Green Angel Tower, Part 1

    by Tad Williams
    The first part of an epic fantasy trilogy, following a group of characters as they navigate political intrigue and magical threats in a richly detailed world.

    The story begins with the forces of Prince Josua Lackhand rallied at the Stone of Farewell, where the icy hand of the Storm King Ineluki has yet to take a deathgrip on the land. The remaining members ... (Wikipedia)

  4. Watership Down

    by Richard Adams
    A group of rabbits embark on a treacherous journey to find a new home.

    In the Sandleford warren , ,[b], Fiver, a young runt rabbit who is a seer , receives a frightening vision of his warren's imminent destruction. , When he and his brother Hazel fail to convince their ... (Wikipedia)

  5. Akira, Vol. 3

    by Katsuhiro Otomo
    A thrilling sci-fi adventure set in a post-apocalyptic world.

    IN THE 21ST CENTURY, the glittering Neo-Tokyo has risen from the rubble of a Tokyo destroyed by an apocalyptic telekinetic blast from a young boy called Akira—the subject of a covert government ... (Barnes & Noble)

  6. Akira, Vol. 2

    by Katsuhiro Otomo
    A post-apocalyptic adventure of two childhood friends on a mission to save a powerful psionic.

    In the year 2019, a cataclysmic blast levels the city of Tokyo and triggers World War III. By 2030, the dazzling Neo-Tokyo rises from Tokyo's ashes, but the power that once sent the world to the ... (Goodreads)

  7. Wild Magic

    by Tamora Pierce
    A young girl's journey to reclaim her magical powers and defeat an evil sorcerer.

    The reader is introduced to Veralidaine, (who goes by Daine), a thirteen-year-old girl who can speak to animals. Daine meets Onua, the woman in charge of the horses for the "Queen's Riders", (the ... (Wikipedia)

  8. By the Sword

    by Mercedes Lackey
    A young woman joins a mercenary company to escape an arranged marriage and becomes embroiled in a dangerous plot.

    Granddaughter of the sorceress Kethry, daughter of a noble house, Kerowyn had been forced to run the family keep since her mother’s untimely death. Yet now at last her brother was preparing to wed, ... (Goodreads)

  9. Beyond the Blue Event Horizon

    by Frederik Pohl
    A group of humans and aliens travel to a distant planet in search of a mysterious alien artifact.

    In Book Two of the Heechee Saga, Robinette Broadhead is on his way to making a fortune by bankrolling an expedition to the Food Factory–a Heechee spaceship that can graze the cometary cloud and ... (Goodreads)

  10. The Snow Queen

    by Joan D. Vinge
    A retelling of the classic fairy tale, set on a distant planet, where a young woman must rescue her lover from the clutches of an evil queen.

    This reissue of a modern classic of science fiction, the Hugo and Locus Award-winning and Nebula-nominated, The Snow Queen, marks the first time the book has been reprinted in fifteen years. The ... (Goodreads)

  11. The Eye of the World

    by Robert Jordan
    Epic fantasy, filled with adventure and danger, as a group of heroes attempt to save the world.

    The Eye of the World revolves around protagonists Rand al'Thor , Matrim (Mat) Cauthon , Perrin Aybara , Egwene al'Vere , and Nynaeve al'Meara , after their residence of "Emond's Field" is ... (Wikipedia)

  12. Into the Labyrinth

    by Margaret Weis
    A young girl discovers she has magical powers and must navigate a dangerous world of magic and politics to uncover the truth about her past.

    On Abarrach, Xar is attempting to learn the secret of necromancy , but he needs a fresh corpse to test it on. He interrogates the lazar Kleitus about the location of any living Sartan, and Kleitus ... (Wikipedia)

  13. Briar's Book

    by Tamora Pierce
    An epic fantasy adventure of a young girl's quest to save her kingdom from magical forces.

    To Briar, the Mire is familiar territory, having been first a street-rat and then a thief in Deadman's District, the poorest quarter of his native Hajra, before his magic was discovered by the great ... (Wikipedia)

  14. Akira, Vol. 1

    by Katsuhiro Otomo
    A post-apocalyptic tale of two teenage biker gangs, battling for control of a mysterious power.

    On December 6, 1982 (1992 in the English version), a nuclear explosion destroys Tokyo and starts World War III . By 2019 (2030 in the English version), a new city called Neo-Tokyo has been built on ... (Wikipedia)

  15. Fire Bringer

    by David Clement-Davies
    A young deer named Rann battles against an evil prophecy that threatens to destroy his herd and the entire forest.

    Fire Bringer is the story of Rannoch, a red deer born in 13th-century Scotland . Rannoch is born with a white mark on his forehead resembling an oak leaf, the symbol of the deer god, Herne. To the ... (Wikipedia)

  16. The Masterharper of Pern

    by Anne McCaffrey
    An apprentice harper strives to protect his community against a deadly plague while learning magical music.

    Robinton was rejected by his jealous father, Petiron, and spent most of his childhood with his nurturing mother. Since Robinton grew up in a very musically-inclined setting, all the inhabitants ... (Wikipedia)

  17. Sandry's Book

    by Tamora Pierce
    Sandry discovers her magical abilities and forms a bond with three other young mages, as they navigate their powers and a dangerous plot against them.

    Niklaren (Niko) Goldeye finds Lady Sandrilene fa Toren , Trisana Chandler , Daja Kisubo , and Briar Moss , four young misfits from four different classes, and brings them to Winding Circle Temple in ... (Wikipedia)

  18. Royal Assassin

    by Robin Hobb
    A journey of self-discovery and growth, as a young man discovers his hidden powers and learns to use them.

    Fitz has survived his first hazardous mission as king’s assassin, but is left little more than a cripple. Battered and bitter, he vows to abandon his oath to King Shrewd, remaining in the distant ... (Goodreads)

  19. The Lives of Christopher Chant

    by Diana Wynne Jones
    A magical adventure of a young boy's journey to save the world from destruction.

    The novel tells the story of Christopher Chant's childhood. Although both of his parents are powerful practitioners of magic , the two are constantly at loggerheads; his father (an enchanter, the ... (Wikipedia)

  20. The Songs of Distant Earth

    by Arthur C. Clarke
    A group of humans leave Earth to colonize a distant planet, but their arrival is threatened by a catastrophic event.

    The novel is set in the early 3800s and takes place almost entirely on the faraway oceanic planet of Thalassa . Thalassa has a small human population sent there by way of an embryonic seed pod , one ... (Wikipedia)

  21. Assassin's Quest

    by Robin Hobb
    A daring quest to save a kingdom from a powerful evil, with the help of magical powers.

    FitzChivalry Farseer is raised from the dead with Wit magic, becoming more wolf than human. Only Burrich and Chade know he survived his tortures in Regal 's dungeons. They help Fitz regain his ... (Wikipedia)

  22. The Wandering Fire

    by Guy Gavriel Kay
    Second book in the Fionavar Tapestry trilogy, following five friends as they navigate a world of magic and myth, fighting to save it from destruction.

    Six months have passed since the end of The Summer Tree , and Kim is waiting for the dream that will tell her how to summon the Warrior to aid them in their battle against Maugrim. Jennifer is ... (Wikipedia)

  23. Grass

    by Sheri S. Tepper
    A dystopian fable of a future world, where the grass is literally alive and conscious.

    Generations ago, humans fled to the cosmic anomaly known as Grass. But before humanity arrived, another species had already claimed Grass for its own. It too had developed a culture. Now, a deadly ... (Wikipedia)

  24. Dragonsdawn

    by Anne McCaffrey
    An epic sci-fi adventure in a distant world, exploring the secrets of a mysterious species.

    The planet Pern seemed a paradise to its new colonists—seeking to return to an agrarian-based simpler way of life, Admiral Paul Benden , Governor Emily Boll and the rest of the colonists had selected ... (Wikipedia)

  25. Temple of the Winds

    by Terry Goodkind
    A quest to retrieve a powerful magical artifact, uncovering secrets of the past along the way.

    Temple of the Winds picks up shortly where the last volume,, Blood of the Fold, , left off. A wizard named Marlin appears in Aydindril announcing his intent to kill Richard Rahl . He is immediately ... (Wikipedia)

  26. Go the F**k to Sleep

    by Adam Mansbach
    Hilarious bedtime story for parents of children who don't want to go to sleep.

    A laugh-out-loud, adults-only bedtime story for parents familiar with the age-old struggle of putting their kids to bed,“Hell no, you can’t go to the bathroom. You know where you can go? The f**k to ... (Goodreads)

  27. Charmed Life

    by Diana Wynne Jones
    A young orphaned boy encounters a magical world full of witches, wizards, and dragons.

    When the Chant children, Gwendolen and Eric (known as “Cat") are orphaned after their parents die in a boating accident, Gwendolen petitions Chrestomanci to let them live at Chrestomanci Castle where ... (Wikipedia)

  28. Barrayar

    by Lois McMaster Bujold
    A woman's journey of self-discovery as she navigates the rules and expectations of her home planet.

    Cordelia and Aral Vorkosigan are expecting their first child. Before crafty old Emperor Ezar Vorbarra died, he maneuvered a very reluctant Aral into agreeing to serve as regent for Ezar's young ... (Wikipedia)

  29. The Graveyard Book

    by Neil Gaiman
    A young boy's journey through a graveyard, learning the secrets of the dead.

    The story begins as the man Jack murders most of the members of a family (later revealed to be the Dorian family) except for the toddler upstairs. Unknown to him, the toddler has climbed out of his ... (Wikipedia)

  30. Frost Burned

    by Patricia Briggs
    A supernatural adventure involving a werewolf and a search for a lost family member.

    Patricia Briggs's novel River Marked was praised as "an urban fantasy where our everyday world is believably twisted into the world of fey, werewolves, vampires, and myths made real." Now Mercy ... (Goodreads)